The Kpop have a big problem, the discrimination. The Kpop is a music genre coming form South Korea, in this industry the "Idols" need a good appearance in accordance with your culture where they should be a ideal type, this stereotype of beauty in the global consumers (out of Korea) it's criticize because they produce a cultural shock for use makeup (associate to women's) and for this reason they fall in the category of "gays". This is an example of who's the sexism and xenophobia affect our vision when our want know other things, in this case in the music, and limitate only the American music. The machismo in this society generate forms of particular visions and they don't let look well, contain a predetermine type of things and a normalize our interest, this prejudice from the Kpop help of this globalizing music of USA to continue their control and extend with them the discrimination to this artist in this competitive industry of entertainment.
Well, I don't know what is the job of my dreams, but I don't care of that, because my only objective in a job it's let me a good salary, time for my hobbies or for stay with my family and friends and this not stress me, it's sad, but I don't need anymore, any job with a pleasant atmosphere and people, it's a good job for me. I like the two alternatives, but I prefer intdoor, because I like works in my house, this is good also for educate my childrens in the fuuuture, I'm a person who loves brought and look grow up at childrens, for this idea, I don't like the office, because I want the time with my parents. I love learn anything, so I major Social Work for that, because it's an complete career, in the future I think this title use as a good job in the public service, this is my objective (actually), because works in the public politics it's hard and anytime you have more and more job, it's stressful for me and I don't achieve for...
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