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Post 2: The concert

This is the end of the concert, they have a reverence in gratitude

Today I'm  going to talk about my tragedy with a concert in 2017, the name of this concert is "The Wings Tour" from Korean artists, this performance was held in Latin America, North America and the East. Well, I don't go and see this concert in live, but I enjoy watching this show in Youtube, because in this time I wasn't a fan of this group, cause I find them in October and this concert was in March, very sad I know. But I like this concert because it is the second in Chile and I found a lot of information and strange parts, it’s also a very emotional and beautiful moment for the fans Latin American, because they are a famous group of Korea, so it’s difficult to interact with them on internet for the different language, for that in the concert the fans enjoy this space nearby their favourite artists. They are very polite and dynamic with the fans, we are thankful with the Latin fans and they take a picture or pose for one picture and we use the accessories made for the fans in the concert, I love this.     


  1. This is a very good experience!
    I don't go to a korean concert

  2. Wow! Your experience is very like to my experience. Things of the life :D


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