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Post 4: My best friend

Well, in my short life, I have very much friends, but I don't consider any of my "best friend", however in this opportunity I speaked of my boyfriend, because he's my bestfriend too. I meet him in the school when we have eight years old maybe, so have been friends for eleven years, it's a long time together, I consider him my best friend, because he has always with me, he's different of me, since he's quiet and light your life is pacific, but I am are extrovert person, I like talk with others or make funny jokes, but we are a close because we liked the Anime or Movies of any type, we enjoyed similar things and we have similar thinks or archetype, it's nice share thinks or experiences.
The best memories with him maybe it's everyday, I like every funny moment with this boy, because he understand me in any situation and I thankful of him for that.       


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Post 5: My Future Job

Well, I don't know what is the job of my dreams, but I don't care of that, because my only objective in a job it's let me a good salary, time for my hobbies or for stay with my family and friends and this not stress me, it's sad, but I don't need anymore, any job with a pleasant atmosphere and people, it's a good job for me. I like the two alternatives, but I prefer intdoor, because I like works in my house, this is good also for educate my childrens in the fuuuture, I'm a person who loves brought and look grow up at childrens, for this idea, I don't like the office, because I want the time with my parents. I love learn anything, so I major Social Work for that, because it's an complete career, in the future I think this title use as a good job in the public service, this is my objective (actually), because works in the public politics it's hard and anytime you have more and more job, it's stressful for me and I don't achieve for...

Post 6: Postgraduate Studies

When I finish this career like Social Worker, I study for Magister in this carrer and after that when I have a job and money, maybe I study a career of lenguage, for example, Portuguese or Korean, because the Portuguese help me for this career, it's a interesting lenguage and I think it's easy, also the Korean lenguage because I'm very interested for the culture, the gramatic form, etc. I think learn the portuguese in Chile in a blended system and probably after go to Brazil and learn the colloquial expression or lenguage, in the case of Korean, first I decide go with a good English and after that travel to Korea, because I want learn directly in the country and understand from first source (The Japanese it's a another option). This is a thing for my future but I don't know how I realize specifically, maybe I change the opinion and decide don't study anymore in the University or any institution for the time in my life or I study other career in another area, ...

Post 1: South Korea it's my country.

I want to go to South Korea, because i love the Asian country, the culture is very interesting and different. The respect in your culture it's the most important thing and it's incredible how this think preserve in the time. Also is similar to Japan culture, i don't know why, but we have many similarity. One of the things i love it's the respect of the traditions, because they're not want be offended to other, but i don't like when they be closed and don't trust in the others. Maybe i would like to work or live in this country someday, it's likely and i like this idea, althought i don't know how is the job of Social Worker in this country, perhaps it's good or bad, i have to study and investigate more this matter. I wasn't study in South Korea, because the education it's very strict and a little conservative, it's a good education, but i think is not for me.