The civic representation in Chile is one of the most intriguing cases of disregard and disconformity in this society, this panorama live with the majority of the Chilean population every day because they’ve a create distrust in the political and politics in general, that generate an atmosphere of displeasure around the elections of any kind, which leads a low voter turnout followed by a government isn’t representative, submerged in this context neoliberal.
The majority of Chilean population makes visible the nonexistent representation in this country, one of the fact most imperative is of the atmosphere of distrust be due to individualism and cases in the past at generate this displeasure, also the lack of informatión. Chile crossed an dictatorship and this impose in the society a economic model, the neoliberalism, that imput in the Chilean population the consumption germ, an also a idea certain, the effort, submerged in the competition for everything and alienate the life of the people.
Proposed Solution:
If we don't realise and make a change, the society isn't get better. When I say that I mean have an acute awareness, give an account on the real problem, If they don't represent us, our life stay determine of their thinks. We need a education in this theme, how do you concern the economic model in the Chilean population, in our ideas, etc. For this the civic representation is very important, because in this moment only a little porcent of perspectives have relevance, let the other in the empty.
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