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Essay 1

Feminist economy: the double exploitation

The economy criticism of a principle is based on justice, the invisible becomes visible, Dussel proposal is a clear example of effort to all the categories that are finally in the essence of capital, among other things, how surplus value increases because of work. However, feminist theory must be doubly critical, because not only try to make visible that theft, but also the fact of being a woman, which becomes a target of double exploitation, because the work It has been made invisible by the salaried economy.

The Feminism
The feminism is a political speech based on justice, is a theory and political practice articulated by women who, after analyzing the reality in which they live, become aware of the discrimination they suffer for the sole reason of being women and decide to organize to end them, to change society.(Varela: 2008:14), this inequality visible from the economic model, has been thought and imposed from the man, the world is defined in masculine and the man is attributed the representation of the whole humanity (...) has distorted reality and has serious consequences. (Varela, 2008:175), this situation thousands of women lived for many years.

The second job
The invisible sex is in what the woman has become, what has always been. In the house, the woman have many invisible activities, naturalized and don't recognise and this second job is the fact by which the economy moves. It's not a precapitalist work, a backward work, a natural work, but it is a work that has been shaped for capital by capital, absolutely functional to the organization of capitalist work. (Federici, 2018: 18), finally the woman is that second sex relegated to a hidden position, who is displaced, and who at all costs want it similar to the dominant sex, It is man who counts. The man defines the world and the woman is "the other", everything that he is not, but what he depends on what he is. In order to be the one who counts. (Marcal, 2016: 28), it's in this way, that the second sex also produces a second economy, a job that goes in a later place, but that is required to do the work that counts, that made by men.

Into the capitalism
When the woman go into the salary job, this double exploitation is visible, since his unpaid work is add by another under capitalist logic. 
"It is at this moment that they do not only offer us the" right to work "(this is offered to all workers) but that they offer us the right to work more, the right to be more exploited." (Federici, 2018: 28) 
The work that women was external to social production, the activities carried out in the home have a value that the patriarchal capitalist society has always ignored. The reproductive work had no implication in society, but man continued to maintain his position of superiority, reaffirm that housework and care should the place of women, a place unpaid, with this become all the stereotypes about to femininity.

In this capitalism world, it's very difficult change the mind about the this system, because we understand that, we are immersed in a capitalist system based on accumulation, self-interest and that criminates by class, race and gender, in which we do our day to day, submerged in the salary directly and indirectly. However, rethinking the problem already discussed, would give way to denaturing these functions rooted in the culture of capital, recognition is the first step, the feminist view has as its beginning the awareness, since it is impossible to solve the problems surrounding the modern capitalist economy without first recognizing it. This is because, if one does not visualize injustice from the sexist division of labor, whose consequences are continuously reproduced, it can not account for the reality existing under the invisibility of women's work. We must rethink the way in which we have lived and are living, it is necessary to break with the sexist division that promotes injustice and discrimination, not only outwards, but also from ourselves.


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