Climate Change: the enemy of the flora and fauna.
Over the years, humanity has realized a millon of inventions that allow them for survive and progress in the world, but this produce negative effects in our planet for the contaminant gas and the rest the litter in the ocean or the ground. This situation is a big threats for every living beings, eliminate little more our opportunity from live in the Earth.
Climate change is "recognised as one of the biggest threats to our natural world and its biodiversity, as well as to global security, human health and well-being." (Fauna & Flora, ND), that is, the change of the climate generate a impact in the biodiversity and ecosystem of the Earth, this generate a disturbing situations, disturbance in the normal passing of the life, but this situation is more complicated for the plants and animals.
Climate change negatively affects animals in your genetically and in your habitat where they live, there are many factors to have changed drastically, that means that animals must adapt to this new environment or move to environment where they can live normally. That bring problems, because when moving, it's not considered if they will be in a good or bad condition and if they will survive in their journey. That is one of the reasons why many animals that exist today are at risk of latent extinction.
The plants and the territories have the same fate, the modification that takes place thanks to the high temperatures is alarming, because the habitat is influenced by this change and therefore they are modifying things like the seasons of the year, natural cycles of the animals They perform by instincts and they can not adapt as quickly as global warming advances.
The ONG said the phenomenon of climate change is happening too fast for species to be able to adapt. Climate change can amplify existing threats, thus aggravating the situation of both species that are already endangered, those that live in areas highly affected by climate disturbances-such as the Arctic-or those that are most sensitive due to their biological characteristics, for that is neccesary change our vision in the world, "in this positive case, an ecological transition that takes us to a society that substitutes fossil fuels for other renewable sources, and assumes a sustainable consumption model." (HEV, ND)
Bibliographic References:
- Fauna & Flora. (ND). A crisis for humanity and biodiversity. Blog, Conversation Challenges. Link:
- Rafferty. (ND). Flora and Fauna: Displaced by Climate Change. Topic, Enciclopedia Brittanica. Link:
- WWF. (ND). La amenaza del calentamiento global para la vida salvaje. especie y habitats. Link:
- Hablando en Vidrio. (ND). Como afecta el cambio climatico a la fauna y a la perdida de biodiversidad. Link:
- WWF. (ND). 50 de las especies en peligro debido al cambio climatico. Link:
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